![Weight loss and 2 great hormones](https://www.eatworkfit.com/wp-content/uploads/hormone-imbalance-profound-effect-weight.jpg)
Weight loss and 2 great hormones
Do we know our body well? Do we know what causes that unnecessary weight pile up on us ? In today’s world every being is in course of understanding the facts behind getting them lean and healthy. We always think of hitting the Gym for our workouts and make sure that we fill ourselves with healthy food.
It is not just that we need to take care of. We must understand the body that we possess. The hormonal activities play a great role in us, which in turn helps us stay fit and healthy. It is just the game that you play with your hormones to make sure that all your efforts stay counted when you check your weight after those long hours of workout as well as the diet plan.
So let’s see at least 2 of our hormones those play a great role in getting things perfect for us. You can also go to a physician and get your hormonal levels checked at certain intervals to make sure you are in the right track.
Below are the hormones that I would like to talk about:
1. Insulin:
This hormone plays the role of absorbing GLUCOSE in our body. Glucose gets stored in liver and muscle in the form of GLYCOGEN. This helps in stopping our body from using fat as a source of energy.
So, people if you have high insulin you are guiding those fat cells not to release any energy thus, making your body gain weight and doing it all wrong. Remember, to make sure fat cells releases energy your body needs less insulin and so consumption of low level carbohydrate and sugar sources. This on the other hand does not mean we completely cut down on glucose sources.
You must refer a dietician to get the right amount of glucose consumption for your body type and status.
Only when our body has very tiny parts of glucose left; it utilises fat cells. So, you must have heard that most of us are prescribed to stay away from food that has artificial sugar content in it.
So, please make sure you get into the habit of reading the food compositions whenever you buy food from grocery stores. They might not be mentioning the exact amount but at least will help you compare between the same type of products.
On the other hand, if while getting your reports you find that your insulin level is real low, then you must check for any possibilities of Diabetes. As a diabetic patient body is not able to make insulin on its own due to destruction of insulin producing cells or if the body is not able to use insulin or makes very less of insulin, which is also not a good sign.
2. Leptin:
This hormone is created by fat cells in our body that takes care of the amount of fat. This is done by adjusting the sense of hunger and amount of energy spent. When the stored fat reaches a certain level, leptin is released. Leptin travels around the body and signals the brain and then energy expenditure is increased via activated leptin receptors.
It is said that leptin levels are higher in the blood between midnight and early morning. This is why human does not feel hunger during this time. You can ensure to give leptin a rhythmic flow in your blood by modifying meal-timings.
Hence, you will also observe that most of you, who visit a gym or have spoken to a dietician must have told you to eat frequent meals (eating after every 2-3 hours) and also to eat your last meal by 7 pm or 8 pm.
Again, one very important thing to remember, do not stave yourself as leptin does not work if you plan to starve. So, eat frequently to stay full and help yourself stay away from gaining weight.
It is also beneficiary to eat 5-6 meals a day and each meal to be around 200-300 calories each, depending on your energy expenditure.
If you exercise insanely for 1 hour then you can stick to 300 calory consumption per meal. However, if you do not exercise at all, then please start doing so at a beginner level and intake 200 calories for each of your 5-6 meals and feel lighter every day.
Hey people! another important fact that you got to know is that, whether you workout or not you must start drinking water from 3-4 litres a day just to make sure you feel great every morning you wake up and feel the same the entire day.
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